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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
I don't understand what the People have giving a good Review here ..
1.) In the whole Game, if it comes up, you can make a Decision 10 times.
2.) The Bar below disturbs enormously! There is no Way to hide it.
Anyone expecting interaction and/or special Scenes here will be disappointed.
For the Money I would rather get 2 Donertellers with Drink.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
Hmm, I dont know, why the game have so many positive reviews. I was tired atfer 10 minutes to klick the endless text away, and see, how the same pictures just take another places. I thought, this is a little sexy shop manager, who you can serve the customers or something like that. Serious guys, will you really pay money, to see a few sexy pictures in a senseless game, who had nothing, but very much textes?
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
In addition to the few Decisions you have to make (should be significantly more), I'm most bothered by the Text bars.
When looking at the Pictures and Videos (especially among the Memories of the Videos included there), this disturbs and should be hidden, but I can't complain From the Story and the Pictures.
These ist/are interesting and fun, although of course voice Acting (in the Amount of Text) would still be a great Thing.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
The first uncensored Game at Steam? Marture Content? Well, everyone has exaggerated a little. Some Tomb Raider shows more Skin than these 4 Heintai ladies. What is it all About? As Hannah, you become Manager of a rice washing shop because the previous Supervisor is looking for The expanse overnight. * Spoiler * the Story is so flat that you can explain it here. You should hire a Saleswoman and choose from 3 Female candidates. The Story will be complete ... Yes... Told entirely in Still images. Some Things slip back and forth from time to time, but yes ... Stills. A "Pass" takes about 2 Hours if you do not read through all the non-saying Text Passages, but simply click on quickly. In this 2 Hours you click felt about 2000x text away to make 5-8 Decisions. These then lead to one of 11 Ends. After you want to choose from 3 Ladies, I assume that there are up to eight bad Ends.
The Game is boring and quite unerotic due to the eternal Texts. The Drawings could have come from a Hentai beginner grinding book, the Music reminiscent of a generic mobile game. 7 Euro is ok if you want to have the 1st uncensored Steam game as a Collector. In the virtual Library, however, it will quickly dust away.
Note: On the Manufacturer's Page, you can now download a File that really does make the Game "for Adults." However, it remains with Pictures and jerk sugar animations. In addition, the Text Box is exactly where you don't want it in Nude pictures.