The conglomerate dystopian city of NeoMori is ruled as a military state. Its people lost their freedom long ago and now live under constant surveillance and oppression. With any hope of change long extinguished, Q sets out to rekindle the flame within her people.
NeoMori is the result of a summer project exploring contemporary software development in a game development setting. Some challenges faced within game development are quite unique and thus make it difficult to adopt modern software development techniques and disciplines. Test driven development, automated software pipelines and good version control habits are some of the topics dealt with during NeoMori's development.
Our process and results will be combined into a guide so that these practices can be recreated in your game project. Expect the guide to release soon!
For more information on the project please refer to our GitHub page.
If you are having issues installing and running the game, please refer to the README on our GitHub page for installation details.
Mac users! The mac build unfortunately requires a few initial steps to make runnable. Follow the link above for an installation guide.