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Scroll through a fantasy world

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Become a social media influencer

Newster is the new exciting social media platform, taking the world of Eias by storm. Elves, dwarves, goblins, trolls or even humans: you are all welcome here. Newts to your heart's content! 

Our most prominent users have navigated the platform expertly, sharing only credible, relevant content. To encourage this behaviour, we have included in the interface  a simple score system that informs you of how credible you are. Now, you too can become a top newtser! 

Lastest newts from our top users:

"I need to stop newtsing, I've been scrolling all day. My wife is pissed!

- TomTheHappyTroll

"Dwarves, elves, goblins, trolls... It doesn't matter. Be kind to each other. #WeAreAllHumans

- WeAreAllHumans

"Day: mine. Night: drink. Repeat. #ItsAWayOfLife

- UrR3gularDw4rf

So what are you waiting for? Go out and share the best Newts to become one of the greats!


Currently being rated as part of Ludum Dare 47 Compo. Please rate at the following link!

This is a demo for a social media simulator based in a fantasy world.


  • Unique text-based experience displayed through a social media timeline interface.
  • 4 inter-linked storylines spread across 165 posts from a wide variety of fictional users.
  • Grow your credibility online: share content that is accurate and relevant to become the top influencer on the platform.
  • Get immersed in a fully-fledged fantasy political landscape through the eyes of an aspiring social media influencer.


I made this game in 48h for the Ludum Dare 47 Comp game jam. The theme was "Stuck in a Loop."  Whilst brainstorming, the idea kept coming back of interpreting the theme as "Stay in the loop" instead, and soon after came the idea for Newster, a social media simulator. 

When the core mechanics were in place and it was time to write some content, my wife and I made a joke about how it would be funny to have social media but in a fantasy setting, whilst still using current news as "inspiration."  Well, here you have it. 



Game Engine:

Unity 2020.1.7f1


Key Virtue by SushiHueDesign -

Belligerent Madness by Font Monkey -

Typewriter Scribbled by Manfred Klein -

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

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Newster screenshot, image №2553229 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Oct 5, 2020

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