Created for Pico Day 2022, NG STARS is a smash-inspired arena brawler that pits Newgrounds' best (or worst) against one another in a battle for the last energy drink. It should be noted that the game is not finished yet, we overscoped the project and pushed ourselves to the very DAY of - so this is us showing what we managed to complete in that time.
There will be an update sometime over the next week that will address some of the bugs and unfinished content! And after that, we might consider adding even more characters to it.
- Left Mouse Click - Interact and Select Options.
- ESC - Escape to the Main Menu.
- UP ARROW - Jump.
- LEFT ARROW - Move Left.
- DOWN ARROW - Squash.
- RIGHT ARROW - Move Right.
- Z - Range Attack.
- X - Melee Attack.
Andyl4nd (Artist) : Twitter | Newgrounds | Youtube
Stepford (Programmer) : Twitter | Newgrounds |
Milkypossum (Musician) : Twitter | Newgrounds | Bandcamp
Special thanks to @TomFulp for hosting Pico Day 2022.
Special thanks to @Dungeonation for programming the Gamemaker 2 NG API.
Special thanks to YOU for playing our game!