That nice picnic was a trap! Is your kung fu strong enough to get you out in one piece?
Camera sensitivity can be adjusted in the pause menu.
Use kung fu to defeat your attackers! Vent your fury on helpless furniture! Getting hit depletes your kung fu, and running out is game over. It recharges over time and on defeating enemies. Konami code turns on kung fu hustle mode. Which is probably easier?
This started as a throwaway project for learning how to write shaders for Unity... eventually, the many hours of debugging shader code made me want to kick tables over (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
controls left mouse buttonuse kung fu WASDrun Shiftdodge / ball form activate Spacejump F (while running)slide mouse / mouse wheelcamera P or Escpause attribution
The background music is I Got a A! - by 回形针PaperClip. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Played back a little faster than the original recording.