Night Is Coming (itch) (curin)
This is a game jam entry for the Game Developers' Guild Inaugural Jam.
The game can be played with controller or mouse and keyboard.
Move Camera - WASD or left Thumbstick
Rotate Camera - Hold Rightmouse and move mouse or right thumbstick
Select(or Place) - Left Click or A
Deselect - Double Right Click or B
Pause - Escape or Start
Zoom - Scroll wheel or up and down on the dpad
Move Building Cursor Right - E or Right Bumper
Move Building Cursor Left - Q or Left Bumper
You can also press the buttons for the buildings if you want with your mouse cursor.
If you want to place or select with your gamepad just press a button on the gamepad (this does not include moving the thumbsticks). Then the selection is based on what is in the center of the camera
The Inverted version inverts the y axis of the camera
See whole project's source at