Nights in Colour
**If you're experiencing input issues, play in fullscreen!**
While the night away!
There's an Autumn downpour outside, time to have some inside fun! Make yourself comfy, it's time to play the night away on your powerful Cranberry Colour, unlocking the power of 8 bit.
What joys to be had... Only if your brother didn't hide them in your room!
Time to turn the room upside down for those games!
ControlsWASD: To move.
Mouse: To turn.
Left Click: To pick up.
Shift: To Crouch
Space: To Jump
E: To Inspect.
Scroll: To Zoom in when inspecting.
P: To Pause.
Enter: To select minigame options.
**Note, Ctrl + W closes the browser, so browser version has had crouch rebound to shift :)**