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Microsoft from French
Microsoft from French
A simple principle: crossing the finish line while our ship has fallen into fuel, and that it can rely only on gravity to arrive at its ends (as well as on the few bumpers, accelerators and other devices creations that it will meet in his path).
Time-trial very friendly, one surprises quickly to go back to improve its time because really, this 553rd place on the World Leaderboard, it is not possible, must improve this.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
Reminds something Of a Platformer, but is actually something completely different. You fly around the Area on a Ship and are attracted by Gravity. This can also be the other way around in later Levels. With Momentum, you have to solve different Tasks. The Game has varied Puzzles and is mostly fair. Plus, there's cool retro Music. Currently one of my Favorite Games. Unfortunately, only the keyboard and not the XBOX360 Controller occupancy is displayed. Still worth every Penny!
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Microsoft from Italian
Microsoft from Italian
I Think many will have it, it was kind in some bundle months/years ago, but it is one of those titles that you see in the library but then usually never played.
Well, do it, it deserves.
The plot, okay, is a pretext for putting a final boss on us.
But It's a basically very simple game. With The arrows moves the shuttle, and with a button it brakes. End.
The Rest (speed, glide, bounces, etc.) is given everything from physics, and the many instruments put in the various levels, which have a curve of difficulty well balanced and are almost never trivial, accomplices various found (keys, switches, portals) That from time to time make them original.
But it Has two faults to mention:-the control system in general is good, but several times the shuttle goes a little ' on its own, especially in the levels where you change the severity (and the type controls are reversed) or in those (many) where you have to take speed To reach distant areas. Here, try to control a shuttle that travels at 300 km/h is a mess. Yes, then you take a little ' hand, but are not rare the times when it still bangs on a few pixels, forcing to redo.
-Some of the most advanced levels have elements (balls, above all) to bounce/roll by going on with the shuttle and similar stuff, which also goes well, pity that however often the balls go where they want them (and here I leave you in the double senses). Ok, they always follow the well-made physics of the game, but the feeling of having little control over these elements is high, and sometimes it might be tedious. Fortunately the levels so are few.
For the rest, the degree of challenge is good, there are so many secrets to discover and extra levels that would not disfigure in Super Meat Boy as a madonnas pulled down. The game itself lasts well enough, especially if you want to unlock everything, so if you look for a title that looks simple but engaging and almost always well realized, I can not recommend it.