No escape (itch)
Ludum Dare 42. Standard Jam. Theme "Running out of Space".
Trapped after robbing a bank you must resist as must as you can as you run out of cover and more cops keeping on coming after you. Armed with a gun, your now only friend, survive the hords of justice.
The ControlsBoth Dual Shock 4 and keyboard + mouse control are available!
- Movement - Left Stick / WASD
- Aim - Right Stick / Mouse
- Shooting - Square / Left Click
- Shoulder change - X / Right Click
Shoulder change will let you modify the side at which the character is standing for a better aiming depending on where you are at the map.
You can also check the control in-game right before you start the game.
Goat Guy aka The "Good guy"
Da Police aka The "Not so good" guys
The music
The music chosen this time is also creative commons done by the awesome artist by the name of Jahzzar that I found at freemusicarchive
If you wanna download the tracks or listen to more of his music check out the links below:
Jahzzar :
Menu theme :
Gameplay theme :
The resultsDone mainly using Unity3D, Photoshop/Paint and Blender it has proven to be quite a challenge for me in order to achive certain objectives. Nonetheless it was great fun learning new stuff and trying out some ideas.
The theme was not something I really liked so the idea that came out to me was to actually "run out of space to cover". With that in mind I decided to make an approach to the Cabal/Blood Bros arcade games but with a different perspective and in 3D.
As of now you can either download the game (recommended option) or try out the WebGL version, which won't be as good performance wise though.
Overall I'm pleased with the final results and will certainly work on the game in the future once I get the time. As always, I think there's room for improvement so I'll probably work on that first, adding more features and bug solving.
The HighscoreThink you can beat mine? Go ahead an prove it xD
Enjoy, comment and vote!
Enjoy and any comments and criticism are welcome!
Love playing around with mixamo animations