No Heroes Allowed! VR

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A Set of 15 No Heroes Allowed! VR Avatars


Become the God of Destruction in a unique real time strategy game utilizing PS VR. Breed monsters to invade human territories, seen in a diorama-like view through the eyes of the God of Destruction. Together with Badman and Badmella, work towards total world domination!

Begin your quest by raising monsters and using them to invade human territories, vanquish the defending heroes, and bring the human bases under your control. As a god, you must maintain an ecosystem through a food chain of breeding weaker monsters to feed invading monsters. You can interfere with this chain of life and death to raise monsters however you like in your attempt to conquer the world.

Subjugate Monsters and Achieve World Domination! – Breed monsters and employ them to invade the human territories.

The Tides of Battle - Use your divine powers to take care of the monsters under your dominion. A careless God of Destruction will leave the world vulnerable to heroes that will defeat your monsters and take their lands back.

PlayStation®VR Required
PlayStation®Camera Required

Software subject to license ( Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy ( & One-time license fee for play on account’s designated primary PS4™ system and other PS4™ systems when signed in with that account.

System requirements for PlayStation 4

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Last Modified: Sep 12, 2019

Where to buy

PlayStation Store

Top contributors

Mind Your Maras
Summon a Mara and have it smash a hero into paste. Smooth or crunchy, either is acceptable.
What? SLIMEMOSS is Evolving!
Upgrade a monster to the highest level, then revel in your power! Or rather, revel in the power of the monster, hopefully without ultimately being destroyed by your own creation in an ironic twist of fate.
Dedicated to Destruction
Collect all trophies. No trophy list is without one of these.
Back for Seconds
Squeeze every last drop of fun out of the game until nothing but a joyless husk remains! This trophy is awarded on clearing a stage for the second time.
Super God of Destruction II Turbo
It'll do my confidence wonders to see the bravura display of a G.O.D. that knows what they're doing. Perhaps you could try getting an S-Rank score, my Lord?
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