Not Another Advent Story, Episode 1
The inaugural game from Ludogood and Checkpoint Church, Not Another Advent Story is the game told in four episodes to be released over the four weeks of Advent 2021.
The Story:
In the game, you will control the journey of MC as they try to make their way to church on Christmas Eve. You will run into a series of roadblocks and unexpected changes to your path. As you meet the cast of lonely characters, you will be given chances to make a connection, take action, or simply try to survive the night on your own.
The Game:
Enjoy a fully original soundtrack created by members of the Checkpoint Church community. The soundtrack is available for streaming on all major streaming platforms.
This game is browser-based and can be played on desktop and mobile browsers.
The game was built in Twine and developed by Ludogood, the game development arm of Checkpoint Church, the church for nerds, geeks, and gamers.
Release Schedule:
Episode 1 - November 21
Episode 2 - November 28
Episode 3 - December 5
Episode 4 - December 12
Complete Collection - December 19