NOTHILINGS is a Narrative Shoot Em Up that tells the story of Dave, an independent developer who decides to create a game from scratch.
Discover the evolution of his game during an important part of his life. Many enemies and fearsome bosses await you.
Follow Daves’ emotions with epic soundtracks and nervous gameplay phases that sublimates the narrative.
CONTROLSZ, Q, S, D or Up, Down, Left, Right => move
Space bar or left click => fire
CREDITSHugo PEYRE (Frigow) - Programmer, Game Designer
Alexis CHRÉTIEN (Jupperevie) - Programmer, Game Designer
Guillaume ANGELI (Kaiton) - Narrative Designer, Game Designer
Léo FENOLL (Reo) - Sound Designer, Composer, Voice Actor, Game Designer
MUSICIf you want to hear the musics of the game in their entire versions, you can find them here :