Two players who embody the Traveler and Nüwa, will have to cooperate to repair the firmament, solving different puzzles making use of their unique abilities, and taking into account their physical limitations.
If you want, you can join our discord here: https://discord.gg/rAjgFDNg
Controls: Traveler(Humanoid):
- Move --> Left Joystick
- Rotate camera --> Right Joystick
- Jump --> A
- Glide --> A while on air
- Grab/Drop --> X
- Emote --> Dpad
- Move --> Left Joystick
- Accelerate --> A
- Grab items --> Move near an object to take it into Nüwa's orbit
- Drop items --> X
- Nüwa can help the Traveler to get objects out of reach
- Nüwa can move near the Traveler while he's gliding to get him into her orbit
Contact: [email protected]