Ocha Harvester
The development began the 20th of December at 16:00 to 17:48, then stopped until 20:00 to finish around 22:00, thus respecting the 3-hours development rule.
What if your good ol' harvest game was... graphicless? You didn't expect it to be a command terminal, did you?
In this game, you have to make different varieties of tea to please your customers (mostly resellers), that seek a precise variety. Screw it up and face the consequences! (One does not mess with tea).
The command list (also available in game via the command !hel) :
- harvest [--option] : Harvest leaves
- --fine : collect the bud and the 2 nearest leaves only
- --imperial : collect the bud and the nearest leaf only
- dry [--option] : sèche les feuilles (option required)
- --sun : sèche les feuilles au soleil, donnant ainsi du thé blanc
- --stir : sèche les feuilles en les grillant, stoppant l’oxydation
- steam : fait subir aux feuilles un bain de vapeur
- stock [--option] : stocke les feuilles
- --compact : stock leaves in a tea cake.
- --cloth : stock leaves under a cloth
- wait [--option] : wait (option required)
- --turn [number] : wait for X turns
- --ferment : wait until the tea is fermented
- submit : deliver your tea to the client
- status : displays the current tea’s status.
- !help : list every command to run your tea garden
A game made by BEsharkounet (development) and KAGENAMI Shinko (Game Design).
Check out our website at: https//princesskastle.com/
PS : Check the sources for the easter egg, it may be useful if you screw up in-game.
System requirements for PC
System requirements for Linux
Last Modified: Dec 23, 2019
Where to buy