Octopus Revenge
You have finally broken the laboratory chains to realize that you are in a slightly bigger cage.
However, now you are not a toothless mouse but a universal soldier that can build his future.
Start with a simple weapon and destroy enemies.
Gather resources from their remains to build new, more powerful weapons or defense modules.
Overcome waves to add new weaponry to your improvised ship.
Once you improve your ship - fight a new wave.
Top-down Shoot ’em up Phase: Mouse - Aim Left-click - Shoot W/S - forward/backward movement A/D - rotate around the main module Build Phase: Select a module from the list and place it in the available ship slotCREDITS
The game was made in 2 days by five people for the local Game Jam.
Main Menu Music by Sergey Cheremisinov
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Ark
Featuring Music by Matthew Pablo
You can contact us by email
[email protected]
Install instructions
1. Un-zip the file.
2. Run "OctopusRevenge.exe".
3. Have fun!
1. Download "OctopusRevenge.apk".
2. Click "OK" to the prompt (it won't harm your device).
2. Install "OctopusRevenge.apk".
3. Play the game... and Have fun!