Submission for the GMTK game{jam}; of 2019, with the theme Only One.
The JAR should run right off-the-shelf on any machine or toaster.
Given are three cards. One (1) of these cards is different in one (1) of its aspects. You have one (1) second to pick out the odd one. Doing so gives you one (1) more second to solve the next card. It's simple, isn't it?
There are 3 symbols, 3 colors, 3 different numbers of symbols and each card can be filled or not.
There are puzzles with 3, 5 and 7 cards. 3 is doable, 5 is very hard, 7 is basically impossible.
There is a little extra when you reach 10 seconds on the timer.
System requirements for PC
System requirements for macOS
System requirements for Linux
Last Modified: Aug 6, 2019
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