Oily (JosePedroDias)
A competitive multiplayer game over network. Can be played solo as well.
Players are placed underground and have the objective of digging dirt so that oil reaches their tower.
First player to capture 100 oil gallons wins.
Each player can move either digging or placing dirt. There's a maximum amount of holes one can perform so use your potential carefully and fetch more from caves in the map.
Players can't move past oil so don't get yourself surrounded by it!
This game is a submission to the multiplayer game jam.
- arrows move the player
- space bar toggles between placing and digging dirt (having reached 0 holes the mode switches for you as well)
- there's the R button to start a new map (if you get stuck for instance) don't use it during a game please...
Game round management
Playing always connects and interacts with the server. If no other player is around, you play solo. As soon as another player joins, a 2 player game starts - while you both are there you can play several games.
If you get in when a 2 player game is happening, you will be queued to enter as soon as another players leaves. (I haven't thoroughly tested the retry code so in the unlikely event of you not getting in in 2-5 min restart the game).
- game code, concept and laughable artwork by José Pedro Dias
- additional game design and beta testing by António José da Silva.