Once A Pawn A Time...
Escape the neverending cycle of war on the chessboard, but beware of the enemies trying to prevent you from leaving... Any time you make an action, so do your adversaries! Navigate the board carefully, plan your steps accordingly, and reach the exit. Click on the cards to choose your action. Each action comes with another action that affects your enemies. You play as the lone dark-blue Pawn against the light-yellow Chess Pieces. Reach the glowing tile to finish the level.
How to play Select a card to move your Pawn on the grid Every card moves your enemys, too. If an enemy steps on your tile, the game is over Some cards even let the enemys attack surrounding grid tiles The goal is to reach the glowing tileCredits:
3D Models - Pia
VFX, Animation - Lukas (me)
Programming - Franzi
Programming - Tobi
Music - Daniel Harrison
Chess Font - Chess Mark
UI Icons - Wishforge
Used SFX
- Opening the sarcophagus
- cleaver.mp3
- Bone Breaker 1
- Swoosh.ogg
- Sword Contact (with swipe)
- Swoosh
We didn't manage to get everything in we've wanted or worked on, like multiple levels with increasing difficulty, more enemy types, polished end-game UI and so on. But overall the jam was pretty fun and we are proud of the game we've made :)