One Hit Wonder (Tailswind)
One Hit Wonder is a strategy dungeon crawler where the weapon you are holding is only good for one hit. Once you kill an enemy your weapon is destroyed and you will be randomly given another weapon. Each weapon can only affect one type of enemy, except for the legendary mace! Plan your moves accordingly as things can get very..... out of control
Controls: WASD, Spacebar/Return
Quit using ALT+F4 (Sorry..)
Crossbow takes a turn before it shoots across the map, kills Ahrimans
Dagger can only attack the side of Dragons
Sword can only attack the front of Golems
Whip can attack up to 3 spaces in front of you, kills Cockatrices
Trap can kill the Beast if it walks on it after being placed.
Not being able to change direction was a design choice :P
Developed by Daniel Symmons (Tailswind)
for GMTK Game Jam 2020
Project Management & Sound Design
Callum Lillie
Luke Summers
Callum Lillie
Moral Support & Technical Help
Daven Bigelow
Art - Used under CC:
whtdragom - forums (Mimic Door,Cockatrice, Catbear, Ariman, Golems)
Haydeos - forums (Dragons)
Kevin.ds - - (Adventurer)
0x72 - (16x16 Dungeon Tileset)
JIMMYC - - blood splatter