One Lined Defence
This is 1D game, where you trying to survive evil creatures and trying to get highscore.
It has one dimension and it's X, which makes everything look like squares.
Keys to press:
A - use powerbuild ability (100 gold)
S - display current wave
C - display amount of gold (they're called money BTW)
B - create kind of bank (250 gold)
E - activate spotlighters (200 gold)
Mouse uses:
Right click on button in the menu for displaying it's action
Left click on button in the menu for doing this action
How to play?
Click on the enemy to damage it
Buy a build of a trap for enemies
In every 20th wave, you'll need to click so many times on the boss (rainbow pixel)
Your traps won't defeat him, only enemy can be
When enemies go to the right of the screen 10 times, you lose
Cancelled features:
Going to Saves Folder
I'm also planning exporting this game to Kongregate (not sure how it's possible)
Enjoy playing!