One Night in Der Untergang
This Game was Released on GameJolt on November 20th, 2021
The Following Game is a Parody Based on an Internet Meme of a Popular German Movie Called Downfall (Der Untergang), this Game was Never meant to Offend Anyone or Anybody Because it's a Parody.
Story: it's the Year 2010, a Restaurant in Berlin Called "Adolf Hitler's Pizza" is Looking for a Security Guard to Work the Night Shift. Then a 16-Year-Old Teen named Addler wanted the Job and Later gets the Job as a Security Guard, Will she Survive until 6AM?. (Don't Ask Because I Couldn't think of a good Plot to Write)
Character Artist: mnmrocks
Coding/Creator: GamerJount
Voice of Gisela (English & Spanish): SkellyVA (GameJolt | Vieo | Voice123 | Voices | Youtube | Linktree)
Voice of Gisela (French): BarelyNoticed
Voice of Gisela (German): AnastasiaG
Voice of Gisela (Italian & Portuguese): RioZé (Youtube)
Voice of Gisela (Japanese & Chinese): Roza_Chera
Voice of Gisela (Korean): StillthinkingU-U (Youtube)
Voice of Gisela (Greek, Norwegian & Estonian): maasikakitty (Vimeo | Instagram)
Voice of Gisela (Russian): LucyNyuElf (Youtube | Twitter | Deviantart)
Voice of Gisela (Finnish): DubbiKnight (Youtube | Deviantart | Instagram)
Voice of Gisela (Turkish): SmokeyQuartzzz (Youtube | Twitter | IMDb)
Voice of Gisela (Polish): Farosence (Youtube | Twitter | Tumblr | Deviantart)
Voice of Gisela (Thai): Marianplum
Voice of Gisela (Afrikaans): Cathrine
Voice of Gisela (Arabic): Maitha (Twitter)
Voice of Gisela (Swedish): Hanna Karlsson (Youtube | Twitter | Wix)
This Game is an Inspiration (kind of) of a FNAF Fangame Called "Five Nights at the AGK Studios" by ArmandaGames (AKA PVMAGKVIDEOS)