One Screen Wizardry
Hello and welcome to One Screen Wizardry, a competitive game for two players.
Two wizards stand in an arena, who will be the first to be knocked out?
This prototype is a pico-8 rendition of One Page Wizards v0.4 by Matthew Wills.
Game play:
The blue wizard starts; every turn the wizard chooses a spell to cast then takes one step.
The first wizard to be out of the arena loses.
- Arrows to select the spell to cast.
- X to cast a spell
- C to reset the game once someone has won.
Spells in details:
- Fireball, a classic spell that knocks the opponent back one step, unless adjacent then the close quarters add one step more backwards. Cost: 1 spell token.
- Gust of Wind, use the power of the air to knock the opponent back one step, but the unpredictability of the wind may knock one extra square back. Cost: 2 spell tokens.
- Featherstep, be swift and step forward one extra time this turn. Cost: 2 spell tokens.
- Charge, channel your powers to gain one token instead.
- Shockwave, release your power to knock everyone back two steps. Cost: 4 tokens.
- Highground, take advantage of being the center of the arena and knock the opponent back 2 squares. Cost: 3 tokens.
While I created this digital version, this is not my game; technical feedback and bug reporting are very welcome, constructive criticism on the mechanics is best sent to Matthew Wills.
Thanks to Matthew Wills, creator of Swordscomic, for the permission to use the idea.