One Unspecified Period Of Time At Kevin's Contrived Plot Device Of A Tortoise Sanctuary (Very Scary!)
Kevin would like to congratulate you on your new job (for the next unspecified period of time) here at Kevin's Contrived Plot Device Of A Tortoise Sanctuary!
Your job here is very simple: just make sure Kevin's tortoise doesn't get woken up by the other tortoises (and the occasional yob) that lurks here. You can probably guess what the deal is; keep an eye on the cameras, close the door whenever something else shows up to wake up Kevin's tortoise, and turn off that gosh darn terrible music as soon as it decides to start playing.
But whatever you do, *don't wake up the tortoise!*
(Anywho , rest assured that there aren't any jumpscares in this, I'm not a fan of them either. And yes, there *is* an ending after a certain length of time, but I came up with the title first and I don't want to participate in false advertising so it shall remain unspecified)