OneLongMinute is a racing and shooter game. Build up as many points within one minute buy shooting power-ups and crossing checkpoints with your hovercraft.
ControlsW - Accelerate
A and D - Turn left and right
Space or Left Mouse Button - Fire
Power-Ups-Shoot Power-Ups to gain 100 points and a special ability
-Crystals increase the points multiplier by 0.5
-Clocks slow down time making it easier to maneuver and shoot more power ups
-Boosts increase the hovercraft's maximum speed for a short duration
CheckpointsGain 1000 points per checkpoints crossed.
Theme"It's been a long time, but we're not done yet."
I decided to take the Megajam 2020 theme literally. OneLongMinute is a racing game where the goal is to make the most of one minute. Using power-ups like the clock to literally slow down time and the boosters and crystals to maximize the points gained in the short amount of time given.
All art, sound and code used are original except for the Music
Music and SFX Sources-Energy_Rock_Track__1__looped_ - Mega Game Music Collection -