Op's Legacy
Op’s Legacy
Op (Opie) has been in the infernal darkness for as long as he can remember. His family is known as the “Khepri Druids”, and now it is Op’s fate to try and give Boganity a new bright future. His great, great, grand mother was the last one to successfully find and reassemble to ancient relic Ouroboros releasing its power to renew life in this realm and causing the light to shine once again…
Menu Navigation:
- Up and Down Arrow Keys To Scroll - OR - W and S Keys to Scroll - OR - Mouse Hover
- Enter to Select - OR - Left Mouse click to Select
Player Movement:
- Up and Down Arrow Keys To Move - OR - W and S Keys to Move
- Up Arrow to Jump - OR - W to Jump
JimJam host – Tim Ruswick & GDU
Programming & Story – Michel Knowles
Art from the Open Pixel Project found on opengameart.org
Sound sourced from freesound.org
- Sunsai for Desert Background Music used as the main game music.
- ShadyDave for Expressions of the Mind Piano Loop used as the Win screen background music.
Support & Morale – The GDU Community!