Lost and Hopeful
Global Game Jam 2021
Theme: Lost and found
Multiplayer hide and go seek game.
How to play
WASD to move, mouse to look around, escape to quit once server is started.
When you are a hopeful your goal is to find the other lost. The Server host is always the first Hopeful.
The hopefuls goal is to find friends! Once you find a lost and convert him to your friend by seeing him up close,
That lost is now a Hopeful and will help you find the others!
The lost goal is to stay lost! Dont get caught be hopefuls. Careful though if your energy depletes your
movement speed is decreased by half. Get recluse orbs to stay at normal speed!
Secretly lost want to be found and to make friends.
Understanding Networking
This is a network game only, you need others to play with you.
1. Host needs to make sure their pc is accesible on port 7777.
2. Click (host + client) to start server.
3. Clients need to put in your public IP, get your public ip here: https://www.whatismyip.com/what-is-my-public-ip-address/
4. If you are all on the same network, just use your private IP.
Check out the code if you want