Oubliette (itch) (OublietteStudios)
Oubliette - A roguelike puzzle dungeon crawler made for the 7DRL Challenge 2021. https://itch.io/jam/7drl-challenge-2021
You've been thrown into a magical oubliette with only a rusty sword to your name, and the only door out is locked. Explore the levels of the oubliette through the holes in the ground, grab treasure chests to upgrade your weapons or find the key, and avoid the slimes!
Controls: WASD for movement, space to attack when a slime is within range.
(This is my first published game, and I was only able to use 3 of the 7 days as well as learning Godot at the same time, so there's a bunch of polish I'd like to add that's missing, but it's a functional, winnable game so that's something. All art and sound is CC licensed, with some additions and edits from me, e.g. the slime eating the knight)