Out Of PawnTrol
Dungeon crawler, but movement and attack is random each turn.
Each Turn you are given 3 cards. Movement, attack, or other. Hoover over the card to see the movement range or attack range. then click on a card to activate it. once you activate the card you can choose a spot on the board to move or attack to. Kill all the enemies to unlock the exit. then move to the exit to complete the stage.
Takes about 15 seconds to load (some people have reported up to 10 mins), and there no loading screen. you just have to have faith in the black screen. its loading... probably. sorry. (if anyone has any experience with this issue, i'd be more than happy hear any feedback).
There is no victory screen. if you beaten 14 levels, then it ends on a blank room. You Win, Congrats.
Game Art by IzzyIRA.
Music By BBunker
And Coding By Zerocreativty1.