Out Of Sight (OutOfSight)
A mother suffering of dymnesia (memory block) tries to remember her lost memories with the help of a psychologist, in order to understand the reasons of her son running away.
She will have to use her five senses to get her memories together, and try to uncover the truth despite the lies her subconscious tries to impose.
Out of sight is a narrative video game experience based on a family traumatism. It was created on Unity 4 by a student team at Isart Digital.
This game is available with French or English subtitles.
What we're working on :- Unity 5 port
- Bug fixes
- First time user improvement
- Mac port
- Windows 10 port
"[...]I think the premise is a strong one. It's a bold and stylistically impressive game too." Pc gamer
"It's like a movie that I cannot stop playing once I started." Sqool.net (in Japanese)
Feel free to send all comments, inquires or bugs to outofsightgame@gmail.com and follow us on facebook
Credits :Matthias Fuchs - @Wanda_Tinasky
- Game Designer, Writer
Adrien Chaïbi-Merlin - Linkedin - http://achaibi.wix.com/shybeegames
- Game Designer, Level designer
Thomas Fontaine - @Tfontaine_dev - http://tfontaine.com/
- Game Developer
Samya Khemri - @Samya_Anastasia
- Game Developer
Benoit Niedzielski - Linkedin - https://www.artstation.com/artist/ndzk
- Game Artist
Robin Maulet - @Telicoria - http://cargocollective.com/robinmaulet
- Game Artist
Nicolas de Ferran - @nicodeferran - http://www.ndf-music.com/
- Composer, Sound designer
Sarah Menager - Linkedin - @ElbenL
- Producer
Brendan Sussman
Dawn M. Bennett
Seif Boufersen
- Voice Actors