Out of Space (itch) (argylepear)
Select an action for each of your pieces. You may:
- (A)ttack a neighbour to attempt to conquer new territory;
- (D)efend the possition your piece is on; or
- (R)einforce a neighbouring friendly position.
Any piece you don't assign an action to will defend automatically. For attacks and reinforcements, the chosen direction will be indicated. When you have selected moves for all of your pieces, press the
All player moves happen at the same time. A cell is conquered if the pieces attacking it outnumber the pieces defending and reinforcing it. Ties will not result in a change of ownership.
I haven't decided when the game ends yet - so it doesn't. Either when there are no more empty spaces, or when all but one player has been eliminated.
System requirements for PC
Last Modified: Apr 7, 2023
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