Out Of Space (itch) (Mr. Pergerson, kprakash, Atapari, sniper_link, trimin)
C:\System\Lab02\Report> get report
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Lab Report Received. No issues found.
Hypothesis = Can our autonomous slime experiment pass all five jumping and running laser trails? Furthermore, how well can our slime experiment handle pressure?
Method = Autonomous slime must run and jump to the exit with out being exterminated by the lasers. When the slime moves, the lasers close in, which effectively reduces the play space and increases the chances of death.
Results = Download OutOfSpace.zip below to view lab results.
C:\System\Lab02\Report> get credits
Art/Animation = Adam Dao
Level Design = Cole Pergerson
Programming = Kevin Prakash
Sound Design/Music Composition = Miles Caraker
UI/Programming = Jingkang Chen