Since this is our first time doing a game jam, the theme is "Out of control", we were really confident, since there isn't much restriction on how good it should be. Anyways, there is a shortage in toilet paper and a really nasty diarrhea virus around. Your objective is to stay away from the virus as long as possible. You can run away, try to kill or do whatever you want, however, keep in mind that if you manage to kill a virus, more children will be spawned, so killing the virus is only a temporary solution?
Control: WASD to move around, Mouse Scroll Wheel or numbers to switch weapon (there are 2 weapons, a banana on number 2 and a Toilet pistol on number 1), Left Mouse to shoot, Right Mouse to scope in (will NOT work with the banana), SPACE to jump, G to throw grenade and T to throw apples.
Hope you enjoy our first game!