OutBreak (itch) (EvolvedPhoenix Studios)
OutBreak is a SinglePlayer Zombie wave survival game, inspired by BO1 BO2 Zombies. in this game your only objective is to survive as long as you can. You will have access to a variety of different weapons, MysteryBox , weapon wall buys and Doors that you have to buy.
If you run into any bugs or just have a suggestion please use the F12 Menu and submit a report there.
Have fun!
WASD: Move | F: Interact | C: Crouch | Escape: Pause | ~: Console | LeftMouse: Fire |
RightMouse: Aim
Our Official Discord Server: https://discord.gg/SNsqc2uUjn
Trello Page: https://trello.com/b/yrVjBVhE/outbreak-official
Note this game is in very early development.