In the future, the project will be presented on Google Play and Steam.
OuterColonies is a 2D style mercenary space station manager. You are the leader of a mercenary squad. Complete tasks, gain experience, resources and items in battles.Your home star system is on fire.
You are the owner of the mercenary space station.
You have assembled and recruited a small team of heroes to complete dangerous missions.
The inhabitants of the star system turn to you for help, for a small reward you willingly agree to solve their problems.
After winning the battle, your mercenaries gain experience, which they spend on improving their skills.
Protect your fellow citizens, restore order to your home star system.
OuterColonies is currently being developed solo game developer. To get the latest updates be sure to follow me on Insagram. Thanks for checking out our game and we can't wait to share all the exciting updates we have planned for it!