Overcharge (KaizelZero)
What is more icon than Man vs Machine? Man vs Multiple Machines. All jokes aside, this is my very first game and I tried to get in as much as I could.
In order to shoot, you must be in range of the tesla coil and to get XP, you must pick up the nuts dropped by the robots. Each level up will increase your maximum health while also healing you. Your fire rate also increases.
WASD, Arrow Keys - Movement
Mouse - Aim
Left Click - Shoot
Escape, P - Pause / Settings
P.S. This game was most definitely inspired by Phibian's Sparkchild.
Assets Used:
Tileset: https://trevor-pupkin.itch.io/tech-dungeon-roguelite
Sprites: https://mounirtohami.itch.io/26-animated-pixelart-robots
Music: https://pixabay.com/music/video-games-fragment-of-tomorrow-131881/