Overcharge snapshots
This page is for testing in development versions of the game.
Play the full game here.
1.1-snapshot 1 changes:
+ Addition | - Removal | * Bug fix, other
+ Visual indication for unlocking the next level
+ Visual indication for when a player has low battery
+ 2 more energy cells styles
+ Loading progress bar and more information on the level loading screen
+ Settings menu
+ Menu background fades between different colours
- Each menu scene gets randomly chosen background colour
* Player showing negative values if its charge gets below 0
* In-game sidebar button sprite
* Player loses 1 unit of energy every 1 second instead of 0,75 sec. when overcharged
Controls Move: W A S D / Arrrows Restart level: R Restart game: Shift + R Next level: N Pause game: Esc / P / Pause YouTube Discord Twitter
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Sep 12, 2022
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