Overload!!! (BTG 2021 Winter Game Jam)
Overload!!! is a submission for the Behind the Game 2021 Winter Game Jam. The theme was "Memory Leak".
Overload!!! puts you as Pica, a block of memory, defending the system and yourself from memory overload. Every ability and entity on the screen is represented in the Memory Bar, a representation of the system's memory. If it gets too full, the top most memory block will disappear, including your abilities if you're not too careful!
Abilities- Slash: Attack enemies nearby in the direction of your cursor
- Shoot: Shoot enemies in the direction of your cursor
- Clean: Hold Left Click down to clean the system of Bloat. (5 seconds, 30 sec cooldown)
- Dash: Dash in the direction of your cursor.
- FBomb: Destroys all enemy and bloat memory blocks.
- [A - D] - Horizontal Movement
- [Space] - Jump
- [Left Click] - Yellow Abilities (Sword and Clean)
- [Right Click] - Green Abilities (Shoot and Dash)
Made by Quy - Programming, Design, Art
No music unfortunately
[Warning] There's a couple of bad interactions due to limitations of design. If you ever feel that you're stuck, press the reset button below the pause button.
- When moving between screens, Pica may not successfully move into the screen.
- You can attempt to move back to the screen by attempting to move to that room.
- When using Dash, Pica may sometimes clip into walls.
- You can attempt to Dash out.
These are just the couple on the surface :(
Credits:Scientifica font by Niivu, reproduced with permission from NerdyPepper under SIL Open Font License 1.1