OverTime (Michael Vivaldini)

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[PT-BR] --- Em OverTime você controla um jovem garoto, que tinha muito habito de procrastinar. Em um dia normal, sua mãe pede para que você mantenha a casa arrumada e realize algumas tarefas. Você ficou assistindo TV, se esqueceu de faze-las, e agora precisa termina-las em pouquíssimo tempo antes que sua mãe chegue. OverTime tenta levar um significado caricaturado de lar para as pessoas que o jogam de forna dinâmica e engraçada, tentando fazer as tarefas em tempo, ou tentando fugir de sua mãe brava. 

[EN] --- In OverTime you control a young boy who had very habit of procrastinating. On an average day, his mother asks you to keep the house tidy and perform some tasks. You spent all day watching TV, you forgot to do it, and now you have to finish them in a very short time before your mother gets home. OverTime tries to carry a caricatured meaning of home to the people who play it in a dynamic and funny way, trying to do the tasks in time, or trying to escape from its angry mother.


  • Daniel Quevedo
  • Michael Vivaldini
  • Tacio Barreto

Assets Credits

Macro - Cold Shower (Game Music)

Fredoka One - Milena Brandao (Text Font)

My Friends Will Cry - Christovix (Game Event Music)

Menu music: Hard Left - Macro

Tv sound: Static noise - thebardofblasphemy

UI Sound Effects Library - Little Robot Sound Factory

Release date
Michael Vivaldini
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Feb 1, 2019

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