Oxygen (TriTorus)
Oxygen is a game about rebuilding a planet's atmosphere and exploiting its resources.
Build factories to maintain your reactors to maintain your greenhouses to produce oxygen to allow people to inhabit this strange yet familiar planet. Be mindful of your resources or lack thereof, and be patient. It is not always good to build many buildings, this can pollute a lot more! BE SUSTAINABLE!
You can either place buildings with keys 1-5, or on the HUD on the right. You can time warp with the arrows on your keyboard or with the arrows on the HUD. Finally, you can press pause with Escape and look at how much you destroyed the planet.
To lose, you either have too much pollution, or are too much in debt. To win, you must get 10000 oxygen.
I will try my best to update this game at least once a week, but most of the time I will post updates a few times a week. Follow me on twitter @TorusTri to contact me and give feedback directly, or comment here in Oxygen's comment section. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and probably implemented if I can figure out how to do it. :)
Update 1:
-added planet changing colour as pollution increases/decreases
-improved UI
-slight balancing of reactor
-added a demolish mode - when hovering over an object, press "B" to destroy that building. You get a full refund of steel, but do not get any water back, so be careful!
-added a slight fog to objects far away, including your planet
-added an info screen