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"Summer 1940,

Whilst researching and finding artifacts in Omishima island, Japan for the National museum's upcoming exhibition on Japanese Samurai, I was informed by the locals of a shrine to Oyamazumi no Okami — a god of mountains, oceans, and warfare. It is said to bring good luck, longevity and "family peace". It was also the country's largest Samurai treasury. Samurai would go to the Oyamazumi shrine to pray for good luck in battle. I was then told that if the a samurai was to receive there wishes they would present their weapons and armour as an offering of thanks. They didn't tell me much after that. Whenever I tried to bring it up I was met if looks of fear and I received warnings to never go there. I thought that this was just part of some ghost story dreamt up to get tourists to come to the island, So I decided to pay the shrine a visit. What could possibly go wrong?"

In Oyamazumi you play as the adventurer, sir Flynn Rankin, as they discover a mysterious shrine that is home to the largest samurai treasury in Japan, how ever not all is what it seems. Fight enemies, complete puzzles and discover the many secrets of  Oyamazumi.

Create your own levels using assets from the story mode.

Release date
Finn Chapman
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Oyamazumi screenshot, image №2853428 - RAWG
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Last Modified: May 21, 2021

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