>P. C. S. D.
Also, if typing doesn't work, use an on-screen keyboard.
Also FYI: The double cursor and exit button would have been removed by me if only Unity was a normal game engine and not a consumer of 3 hours of my time due to some pointless error that was fixed by doing completely random things. I strongly recommend downloading the desktop version.
In the HACKNET, naïve Feyzbook users have their accounts stolen from them for advertising or blackmail. It consists of hundreds of FISHERS around the globe who go to an account, find any relevant information, and guess the password. This is your first day on the job.
Made for the Cybersecurity Game Jam to teach about password security.
Learn more about password-cracking algorithms:
How to use a password manager correctly: https://sea.pcmag.com/password-managers/43914/password-managers-youre-doing-it-w...