Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Microsoft from Spain
Good, I was going to write the review in English But seeing the laziness of Spanish speaking but seeing the lack of reviews in Spanish decided to take a step forward and make It in Spanish.
Which is a visual novel a visual novel is a story written as a book. But The big difference between a book and this is that the visual novel has anime style drawings (mainly non-movable) and mostly decisions that make change the end (although not a rule, for example this lacks decisions) that is?
Palinurus is a visual novel (very good) of Sciensa fiction that takes place in 2500s in which you are in a nave of 1 person traveling towards "Alpha Centauri" with an Intelligence artificial redhead (the best) called Budapest. On the way, your spacecraft goes to the p * ta for certain accidents and ends up stranded in uncharted space.
Do you Recommend it?
Emotions = I really like reading visual Novels and this attracted me a lot. The creators did a good job trying to give you different emotions, often you're going to laugh, grieve, you're going to despair, in that paragraph is the best thing that brings this VN Gameplay = The Gameplay in the VN is not very open. It's Mostly choosing decisions while you read. The sad Thing is that this experience lacks decisions leaving what already in if it is not so open in something so closed that the end will always be the same. And for those who do not speak English, I regret to say that the visual novel is 100% English.
Graphics = The drawings are quite nice, but repetitive. It Is noticeable but the drawings do not change, they are repeated and only few things change as if you are happy, sad, weeping, blushing and things like that. Mostly Budapest is in front, in profile or touching the touch screen of the ship. Although as I said they are very nice drawings and really I fall in love the system of Drawing soundtrack = The soundtrack is simply beautiful, although the characters do not even talk about it affects you depending on the background is music depends on the moment, mostly there Piano music of the 18th and 19th century that gives an air very sactifactorio History = Finally The story, in if I never play a visual novel that had a story, even similar. Everything was mostly machines that could send messages to the past, unforeseen Murders by a parasite that promouthed descomfiar of all, dating simulators with girls who make them bulling, etc. But I never played one that was being stranded in space with an artificial intelligence. It Is quite innovative but... To be honest, it's Too short.
I give You 7/10 points. It'S very, very good, but it's short. Too short, in the history of 30 days but really these with Budapest nothing more than 2 days due to that only you went to sleep 2 times in the whole fucking VN not have much logic, apart I would like another end, was very rare and everything happened very fast but good. It is a good VN I recommend you play if you understand a little English, in my case I am bilingual to not affection me, Bye bye.