Paraphore reviews

Paraphore is an exceptionally well-written text-based adventure game. While it might just seem like an extreme strange fetish game on the surface, just below lies an intricate world with wonderfully communicated themes which really couldn't be explored with any other medium.
While everything I said is true, the unfortunate truth is that at this game's core is a porn game, and a very niche one at that. I genuinely wish anyone and everyone could experience this game, without having to judge it based on the fetishes and kinks, as they all serve a purpose.
As you are plopped into the game's world, you have no knowledge of anything, but by talking with the characters, uncovering genuinely difficult ciphers and immersing yourself into the strange, fucked-up world of Paraphore, you will learn about each of the quite well developed characters and their backstories, the rich history of it's world, and most importantly, how and why it came to exist.
The game has several endings, each being sad and melancholic in it's own way, although only one of them becomes cannon in the sequel Interphore.

If this review interested you, you should definitely play the game, however, you should in fact keep in mind that while all of the game's scenarios serve a purpose, they will still probably disgust you if you do not share the fetishes of the game. Each scenario has warning markers which will tell you what you can expect from the scene, so you can avoid them if you really dislike them, however not knowing what's going can take away from the whole mood and history of the game.
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»