Parapluie Bulgare
Armé de son parapluie empoisonné, il élimine avec classe et discrétion ses cibles. Encore faut-il savoir laquelle est la bonne…
Jackson, un agent mercenaire efficace et discret grâce à son parapluie empoisonné, exécute sans broncher ses cibles… Hormis lorsque son boss ne parvient pas à lui transmettre les informations pour identifier sa prochaine victime et qu’il doit enquêter lui-même pour la trouver, au risque d’exécuter la mauvaise personne !
Ce jeu a été créé à l'occasion de la game jam Unijam 2020, en une quarantaine d'heures. Il a été récompensé : Meilleurs graphismes, Coup de cœur d'un des jurés.
Armed with his poisonous umbrella, he takes out his targets with class and stealth. But he still has to know who is his target...
Jackson is a stealthy and efficient mercenary who takes out his targets without a flinch thanks to his poisoned umbrella … Except when his boss can't give him the information needed to identify his next victim and he has to investigate himself, taking the risk to kill tthe wrong person !
This game was created as a submission for the Unijam 2020 game jam, in about 40 hours. It has been rewarded : Best graphics, one Member of the jury's favorite.
How To Play:
Left/Right: Move sideways
Up/Down: Use elevator or stairs
E: Interact
A: Kill
J: Open or close journal
Esc: Close game
Guitou (Music and Character graphics)
Hugo Caroubalos (Developper)
Erwan Castioni aka Malan'Tai (Lead Developper)
Matthéa Godin aka FunkyWhiteRabbit (Narrative and Level Designer)
Nethos (Narrative and Level Designer, Developper)
Paul Vancauwenberghe aka Erawa (SFX and Graphics)