Particle Overdose
This is a game I spent a week to make. I used Pygame to make it. it's for the Pygame Community Easter Jam April 2023. The theme is ParticleOverdose, so as the name of the game. lol.
for that I made sure to make as many particles as I can. oops. it dropped the fps. matters not. particles are cool.
The Art, Code, and the Ideas are 100% mine. (except for some parts of the Assets, which I got inspired by other peoples work).
I went short on time, so the game is MUTE, there are no sounds at all, there is no menu, and there is not story involved.
Your goal in this game is to find as many diamonds as you can, as fast as you can. you can arm yourself up with 6 different swords with different abilities, you need some of them to gather certain diamonds.
- use UP,DOWN,RIGHT and LEFT to move.
- use A,S,D to move the camera.
- use 1,2,3,4,5,6 to switch between swords.
- use F for normal attacks and V for special attacks.
- use Q,W,E,R,T,G as shortcuts for special attacks.
as disappointing as it sounds, there are no enemies in this game yet. because it's for a jam and the deadline is just 3 hours later. And I'm extremely tired.
So what do you need the swords for? okay, for stuff like teleportation, flying, dashing, and lava immunity and stuff.
if you liked this project please consider starring it in my github page. it means a lot to me.
Also, you can run this game from source for a better experience. the requirements are only pygame-ce.
Special thanks to FinFET channel and Notenlish who helped me with this project!