Party Gladiator

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This is a local multiplayer game.  You can choose between 4 characters and 3 maps.  It was made in 4 weeks by the 3rd place winners in the TSA Utah state.  We aren't going to nationals but we want to share our game with everyone.  We know we can improve some stuff, however 4 of us want to make a new game entirely.  That is because the TSA competition was restricted to being E for everyone.  The game was also restricted to a certain theme.  Said theme was sports.  Great theme for a bunch of gamer's to get.

In the credits we have all the people that allowed us to use their sound effects and or music.  I highly recommend you check them out because they offer some great music and sound effects under the creative commons licences.  

Some members from the team are now working together on another project that we all hope to share with you soon.  Although, this time the project will be our heart and souls and not for a competition.  

The controls for player one are WASD for movement and j k for melee and shoot.  For player 2 it is the arrow keys and numpad 1 and 2 for melee and shoot.  The third and forth players use controllers.  The d pad or left joystick to move and A and B or maybe X to melee and shoot.  

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Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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