Party Master - Level 1 Demo
Party Master Level 1 Demo
Thank you for testing my game!
Ranged weapon fireR MOUSEMelee weapon stab (fire if health full)C MOUSEBoomerang (if acquired)SPACEDodge (also invincible during dodge)TABSwitch ranged weaponL SHIFTSwitch melee weaponEOpen chestMOpen map (if acquired) Links:
This is the first level of a much larger project in the making called Party Master (working title). It is an NES inspired roguelike 2D shooter.
I've been working on this game for a year and a half, and have a lot of systems in place to build quickly, but first I need a little feedback! If you play, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE visit the link in the readme file to fill out the survey.
Thank you for your support, and look out for updates to the game!
Game Controls: ESCPauseWASDMoveL MOUSERanged weapon fireR MOUSEMelee weapon stab (fire if health full)C MOUSEBoomerang (if acquired)SPACEDodge (also invincible during dodge)TABSwitch ranged weaponL SHIFTSwitch melee weaponEOpen chestMOpen map (if acquired) Links:
Title music:
Level music: