Pet the Fox
An interactive virtual pet of Clover Inari. Keep the fox in good health and accumulate honey drops.
The game is designed to be played with either a mouse or touch interface. No keyboard or gamepad required.
Autosaves occur once a minute
Twitch IntegrationThe web version of this game supports integration with Twitch chat, allowing your viewers to take care of the fox with simple commands. You can enable twitch integration by visiting this page with your channel name in the url, like so
All interactions start with `!pet` as the command prefix
- !pet <food | give food>
- Feeds the fox
- !pet <lights on | lights off>
- toggle the lights
- !pet <bath | bathe | wash>
- washes the fox
- !pet <heal | cure | give medicine>
- give medicine to the sick fox
Commands are set to operate on the same cooldowns, this allows chat to act while the streamer is away/taking a break.
Donations towards development accepted through ko-fi
System requirements for Web
System requirements for PC
Last Modified: Feb 24, 2023
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