Physics Based Dice Roller
Features of the app:
-Realistic physics based dice rolls
-Number that is rolled becomes highlighted
-More to come!
I'm a huge tabletop rpg fan. But I live quite a ways away from others who play, so online is really the easiest option. But I have always liked rolling dice over rng. So I decided to make this dice roller based on physics to get to roll dice and still play online!
Using a share screen option on your prefered calling software (i.e. Discord, Zoom, Skype, etc.), you can roll without your GM or the other players worrying about you "fudging" your rolls, and not have to rely on RNJesus to save you!
Currently there are no sounds effects and only one set of dice, however I do intend to expand this over time.
At some point, my goal is to even set up something to add your characters stats into and get an auto-calculation of your totals after you roll.