PhysicsWars (CANCELLED)
Hello im Indie&Games and im now publishing the beta of my first game im so excited what is going to happen so leave a comment, please tell me about bugs, glitches and tell me what you want in it. (Online not coming for now)(Game in development).
I made updates so early, but now im working in a new update, like a new game, story, characters, and other things, but i promise you i will make this game a new and better game.
W,S: Look Up,Down
A,D: Move
MouseLeftButton: Shoot
F: Bomb
Space: Jump
MouseWheel(Only Sniper Class): Zoom
P: Reset Level
*7 levels available*
New features:
-New Class! "Shotgun"
-New Class! "GreneadeRocketLauncher"
-Changed effect of bomb and sound effect
-Level Changes
-Other little changes...